5. Finding eigenvalues of matrices

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We start with some preliminary terminology. A vector \(x\in \mathbb{C}^m\) is an eigenvector of a square matrix \(A\in \mathbb{C}^{m\times m}\) with eigenvalue \(\lambda\) if \(Ax=\lambda x\). An eigenspace is the subspace \(E_{\lambda}\subset\mathbb{C}^m\) containing all eigenvectors of \(A\) with eigenvalue \(\lambda\).

There are a few reasons why we are interested in computing eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a matrix \(A\).

  1. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors encode information about \(A\).

  2. Eigenvalues play an important role in stability calculations in physics and engineering.

  3. We can use eigenvectors to underpin the solution of linear systems involving \(A\).

5.1. How to find eigenvalues?

The method that we first encounter in our mathematical education is to find solutions of \((A-\lambda I)x = 0\), which implies that \(\det(A-\lambda I)=0\). This gives a degree \(m\) polynomial to solve for \(\lambda\), called the characteristic polynomial. Unfortunately, there is no general solution for polynomials of degree 5 or greater (from Galois theory). Further, the problem of finding roots of polynomials is numerically unstable. All of this means that we should avoid using polynomials finding eigenvalues. Instead, we should try to apply transformations to the matrix \(A\) to a form that means that the eigenvalues can be directly extracted.


Consider the \(m\times m\) diagonal matrix

\[\begin{split}A = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & \ldots & \ldots & 0 \\ 0 & 2 & \ldots & \ldots &0 \\ 0 & 0 & \ddots & \ddots & \vdots \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ldots & \ddots & \vdots \\ 0 & 0 & \ldots & \ldots & m \\ \end{pmatrix}.\end{split}\]

The characteristic polynomial of \(A\) is


and the eigenvalues are clearly \(1,2,3,\ldots,m\). This is called the Wilkinson Polynomial. Numpy has some tools for manipulating polynomials which are useful here. When an \(m\times m\) array is passed in to numpy.poly(), it returns an array of coefficients of the polynomial. For \(m=20\), obtain this array and then perturb the coefficients \(a_k \to \tilde{a}_k = a_k(1+10^{-10}r_k)\) where \(r_k\) are randomly sampled normally distributed numbers with mean 0 and variance 1. numpy.roots() will compute the roots of this perturbed polynomial. Plot these roots as points in the complex plane. Repeat this 100 times, superposing the root plots on the same graph. What do you observe? What does it tell you about this problem and what should we conclude about the wisdom of finding eigenvalues using characteristic polynomials?

Supplementary video

The eigenvalue decomposition of a matrix \(A\) finds a nonsingular matrix \(X\) and a diagonal matrix \(\Lambda\) such that

\[A = X\Lambda X^{-1}.\]

The diagonal entries of \(\Lambda\) are the eigenvalues of \(A\). Hence, if we could find the eigenvalue decomposition of \(A\), we could just read off the eigenvalues of \(A\); the eigenvalue decomposition is “eigenvalue revealing”. Unfortunately, it is not always easy or even possible to transform to an eigenvalue decomposition. Hence we shall look into some other eigenvalue revealing decompositions of \(A\).

We quote the following result that explains when an eigenvalue decomposition can be found.


An \(m\times m\) matrix \(A\) has an eigenvalue decomposition if and only if it is non-defective, meaning that the geometric multiplicity of each eigenvalue (the dimension of the eigenspace for that eigenvalue) is equal to the algebraic multiplicity (the number of times that the eigenvalue is repeated as a root in the characteristic polynomial \(\det(I\lambda - A)=0\).

If the algebraic multiplicity is greater than the geometric multiplicity for any eigenvalue of \(A\), then the matrix is defective, the eigenvectors do not span \(\mathbb{C}^m\), and an eigenvalue decomposition is not possible.

This all motivates the search for other eigenvalue revealing decompositions of \(A\).

Supplementary video
Definition 5.1 (Similarity transformations)

For \(X\in \mathbb{C}^{m\times m}\) a nonsingular matrix, the map \(A\mapsto X^{-1}AX\) is called a similarity transformation of \(A\). Two matrices \(A\) and \(B\) are similar if \(B=X^{-1}AX\).

The eigenvalue decomposition shows that (when it exists), \(A\) is similar to \(\Lambda\). The following result shows that it may be useful to examine other similarity transformations.


Two similar matrices \(A\) and \(B\) have the same characteristic polynomial, eigenvalues, and geometric multiplicities.


See a linear algebra textbook.

The goal is to find a similarity transformation such that \(A\) is transformed to a matrix \(B\) that has some simpler structure where the eigenvalues can be easily computed (with the diagonal matrix of the eigenvalue decomposition being one example).

One such transformation comes from the Schur factorisation.

Supplementary video
Definition 5.2 (Schur factorisation)

A Schur factorisation of a square matrix \(A\) takes the form \(A = QTQ^*\), where \(Q\) is unitary (and hence \(Q^*=Q^{-1}\)) and \(T\) is upper triangular.

It turns out that, unlike the situation for the eigenvalue decomposition, the following is true.


Every square matrix has a Schur factorisation.

This is useful, because the characteristic polynomial of an upper triangular matrix is just \(\prod_{i=1}^m (\lambda-T_{ii})\), i.e. the eigenvalues of \(T\) are the diagonal entries \((T_{11},T_{22},\ldots,T_{mm})\). So, if we can compute the Schur factorisation of \(A\), we can just read the eigenvalues from the diagonal matrices of \(A\).

There is a special case of the Schur factorisation, called the unitary diagonalisation

Definition 5.3 (Unitary diagonalisation)

A unitary diagonalisation of a square matrix \(A\) takes the form \(A = Q\Lambda Q^*\), where \(Q\) is unitary (and hence \(Q^*=Q^{-1}\)) and \(\Lambda\) is diagonal.

A unitary diagonalisation is a Schur factorisation and an eigenvalue decomposition.


A Hermitian matrix is unitarily diagonalisable, with real \(\Lambda\).

Hence, if we have a Hermitian matrix, we can follow a Schur factorisation strategy (such as we shall develop in this section), and obtain an eigenvalue decomposition as a bonus.

5.2. Transformations to Schur factorisation

Supplementary video

Just as for the QR factorisations, we will compute the Schur factorisation successively, with multiplication by a sequence of unitary matrices \(Q_1,Q_2,\ldots\). There are two differences for the Schur factorisation. First, the matrices must be multiplied not just on the left but also on the right with the inverse, i.e.

\[A \mapsto \underbrace{Q_1^*AQ_1}_{A_1} \mapsto \underbrace{Q_2^*Q_1^*AQ_1Q_2}_{A_2}, \ldots\]

At each stage, we have a similarity transformation,

\[A = \underbrace{Q_1Q_2\ldots Q_k}_{=Q}A_k\underbrace{Q_k^*\ldots Q_2^*Q_1^*}_{=Q^*},\]

i.e. \(A\) is similar to \(A_k\). Second, the successive sequence is infinite, i.e. we will develop an iterative method that converges in the limit \(k\to\infty\). We should terminate the iterative method when \(A_k\) is sufficiently close to being upper triangular (which can be measured by checking some norm on the lower triangular part of \(A\) and stopping when it is below a tolerance).

We should not be surprised by the news that the method needs to be iterative, since if the successive sequence were finite, we would have derived an explicit formula for computing the eigenvalues of the characteristic polynomial of \(A\) which is explicit in general.

In fact, there are two stages to this process. The first stage, which is finite (takes \(m-1\) steps) is to use similarity transformations to upper Hessenberg form (\(H_{ij}=0\) for \(i>j+1\)). If \(A\) is Hermitian, then \(H\) will be tridiagonal. This stage is not essential but it makes the second, iterative, stage much faster.

5.3. Similarity transformation to upper Hessenberg form

Supplementary video

We already know how to use a unitary matrix to set all entries to zero below the diagonal in the first column of \(A\) by left multiplication \(Q^*_1A\), because this is the Householder algorithm. The problem is that we then have to right multiply by \(Q_1\) to make it a similarity transformation, and this puts non-zero entries back in the column again. The easiest way to see this is to write \(Q_1^*AQ_1=(Q_1^*(Q_1^*A)^*)^*\). \((Q_1^*A)^*\) has zeros in the first row to the right of the first entry. Then, \(Q_1^*(Q_1^*A)\) creates linear combinations of the first column with the other columns, filling the zeros in with non-zero values again. Then finally taking the adjoint doesn’t help with these non-zero values. Again, we shouldn’t be surprised that this is impossible, because if it was, then we would be able to build a finite procedure for computing eigenvalues of the characteristic polynomial, which is impossible in general.


The cla_utils.exercises8.Q1AQ1s() function has been left uncompleted. It should apply the Householder transformation \(Q_1\) to the input \(A\) (without forming \(Q_1\) of course) that transforms the first column of \(A\) to have zeros below the diagonal, and then apply a transformation equivalent to right multiplication by \(Q_1^*\) (again without forming \(Q_1\)). The test script test_exercises8.py in the test directory will test this function.

Experiment with the output of this function. What happens to the first column?

A slight modification of this idea (and the reason that we can transform to upper Hessenberg form) is to use a Householder rotation \(Q_1^*\) to set all entries to zero below the second entry in the first column. This matrix leaves the first row unchanged, and hence right multiplication by \(Q_1\) leaves the first column unchanged. We can create zeros using \(Q_1^*\) and \(Q_1\) will not destroy them. This procedure is then repeated with multiplication by \(Q_2^*\), which leaves the first two rows unchanged and puts zeros below the third entry in the second column, which are not spoiled by right multiplication by \(Q_2\). Hence, we can transform \(A\) to a similar upper Hessenberg matrix \(H\) in \(m-2\) iterations.

Supplementary video

This reduction to Hessenberg form can be expressed in the following pseudo-code.

  • FOR \(k=1\) TO \(m-2\)

    • \(x\gets A_{k+1:m,k}\)

    • \(v_k\gets \mbox{sign}(x_1)\|x\|_2e_1 + x\)

    • \(v_k\gets v_k/\|v\|_2\)

    • \(A_{k+1:m,k:m} \gets A_{k+1:m,k:m}- 2v_k(v_k^*A_{k+1:m,k:m})\)

    • \(A_{1:m,k+1:m} \gets A_{1:m,k+1:m}- 2(A_{1:m,k+1:m}v_k)v_k^*\)


Note the similarities and differences with the Householder algorithm for computing the QR factorisation.


\((\ddagger)\) The cla_utils.exercises8.hessenberg() function has been left unimplemented. It should implement the algorithm above, using only one loop over \(k\). It should work “in-place”, changing the input matrix. At the left multiplication, your implementation should exploit the fact that zeros do not need to be recomputed where there are already expected to be zeros. The test script test_exercises8.py in the test directory will test this function.

To calculate the operation count, we see that the algorithm is dominated by the two updates to \(A\), the first of which applies a Householder reflection to rows from the left, and the second applies the same reflections to columns from the right.

The left multiplication applies a Householder reflection to the last \(m-k\) rows, requiring 4 FLOPs per entry. However, these rows are zero in the first \(k-1\) columns, so we can skip these and just work on the last \(m-k+1\) entries of each of these rows.

Then, the total operation count for the left multiplication is

\[4 \times \sum_{k=1}^{m-1} (m-k)(m-k+1) \sim \frac{4}{3}m^3.\]

The right multiplication does the same operations but now there are no zeros to take advantage of, so all \(m\) entries in the each of the last \(m-k\) columns need to be manipulated. With 4 FLOPs per entry, this becomes

\[4\times \sum_{k=1}^{m-1} m(m-k) \sim \frac{10}{3}m^3 FLOPs.\]
Supplementary video

In the Hermitian case, the Hessenberg matrix becomes tridiagonal, and these extra zeros can be exploited, leading to an operation count \(\sim 4m^3/3\).

It can be shown that this transformation to a Hessenberg matrix is backwards stable, i.e. in a floating point implementation, it gives \(\tilde{Q},\tilde{H}\) such that

\[\tilde{Q}\tilde{H}\tilde{Q}^* = A + \delta A, \, \frac{\|\delta A\|}{\|A\|}=\mathcal{O}(\varepsilon),\]

for some \(\delta A\).


The cla_utils.exercises8.hessenbergQ() function has been left unimplemented. It should implement the Hessenberg algorithm again (you can just copy paste the code from the previous exercise) but it should also return the matrix \(Q\) such that \(QHQ^*=A\). You need to work out how to alter the algorithm to construct this. The test script test_exercises8.py in the test directory will test this function.


The cla_utils.exercises8.ev() function has been left unimplemented. It should return the eigenvectors of \(A\) by first reducing to Hessenberg form, using the functions you have already created, and then calling cla_utils.exercises8.hessenberg_ev(), which computes the eigenvectors of upper Hessenberg matrices (do not edit this function!). The test script test_exercises8.py in the test directory will test this function.

Supplementary video

In the next few sections we develop the iterative part of the transformation to the upper triangular matrix \(T\). This algorithm works for a broad class of matrices, but the explanation is much easier for the case of real symmetric matrices, which have real eigenvalues and orthogonals eigenvectors (which we shall normalise to \(\|q_i\|=1\), \(i=1,2,\ldots,m\)). The idea is that we will have already transformed to Hessenberg form, which will be tridiagonal in this case. Before describing the iterative transformation, we will discuss a few key tools in explaining how it works.

5.4. Rayleigh quotient

The first tool that we shall consider is the Rayleigh quotient. If \(A\in \mathbb{C}^{m\times m}\) is a real symmetric matrix, then the Rayleigh quotient of a vector \(x \in \mathbb{C}^{m}\) is defined as

\[r(x) = \frac{x^TAx}{x^Tx}.\]

If \(x\) is an eigenvector of \(A\), then

\[r(x) = \frac{x^T\lambda x}{x^Tx} = \lambda,\]

i.e. the Rayleigh quotient gives the corresponding eigenvalue.

Supplementary video

If \(x\) is not exactly an eigenvector of \(A\), but is just close to one, we might hope that \(r(x)\) is close to being an eigenvalue. To investigate this we will consider the Taylor series expansion of \(r(x)\) about an eigenvector \(q_J\) of \(A\). We have

\[\nabla r(x) = \frac{2}{x^Tx}\left(Ax-r(x)x\right),\]

which is zero when \(x=q_J\), because then \(r(q_J)=\lambda_J\): eigenvectors of \(A\) are stationary points of \(r(x)\)! Hence, the Taylor series has vanishing first order term,

\[r(x) = r(q_J) + (x-q_J)^T\underbrace{\nabla r(q_J)}_{=0} + \mathcal{O}(\|x-q_J\|^2),\]


\[r(x) - r(q_J) = \mathcal{O}(\|x-q_J\|^2), \quad \mbox{as } x \to q_J.\]

The Rayleigh quotient gives a quadratically accurate estimate to the eigenvalues of \(A\).


Add a function to cla_utils.exercises8 that investigates this property by:

  1. Forming a Hermitian matrix \(A\),

  2. Finding an eigenvector \(v\) of \(A\) with eigenvalue \(\lambda\) (you can use numpy.linalg.eig() for this),

  3. Choosing a perturbation vector \(r\), and perturbation parameter \(\epsilon>0\),

  4. Comparing the Rayleigh quotient of \(v + \epsilon r\) with \(\lambda\),

  5. Plotting (on a log-log graph, use matplotlib.pyplot.loglog()) the error in estimating the eigenvalue as a function of \(\epsilon\).

The best way to do this is to plot the computed data values as points, and then superpose a line plot of \(a\epsilon^k\) for appropriate value of \(k\) and \(a\) chosen so that the line appears not to far away from the points on the same scale. This means that we can check by eye if the error is scaling with \(\epsilon\) at the expected rate.

5.5. Power iteration

Supplementary video

Power iteration is a simple method for finding the largest eigenvalue of \(A\) (in magnitude). It is based on the following idea. We expand a vector \(v\) in eigenvectors of \(A\),

\[v = a_1q_1 + a_2q_2 + \ldots a_mq_m,\]

where we have ordered the eigenvalues so that \(|\lambda_1|\geq |\lambda_2| \geq |\lambda_3| \geq \ldots \geq |\lambda_m\).


\[Av = a_1\lambda_1q_1 + a_2\lambda_2q_2 + \ldots a_m\lambda_m q_m,\]

and hence, repeated applications of \(A\) gives

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}A^kv = \underbrace{AA\ldots A}_{k\mbox{ times}}v\\= a_1\lambda^k_1q_1 + a_2\lambda^k_2q_2 + \ldots a_m\lambda^k_m q_m.\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

If \(|\lambda_1|>|\lambda_2|\), then provided that \(a_1=q_1^Tv\neq 0\), the first term \(a_1\lambda^k_1q_1\) rapidly becomes larger than all of the others, and so \(A^kv \approx a_1\lambda^k_1 q_1\), and we can normalise to get \(q_1 \approx A^kv/\|A^kv\|\). To keep the magnitude of the estimate from getting too large or small (depending on the size of \(\lambda_1\) relative to 1), we can alternately apply \(A\) and normalise, which gives the power iteration. Along the way, we can use the Rayleigh quotient to see how our approximation of the eigenvalue is going.

  • Set \(v_0\) to some initial vector (hoping that \(\|q_1^Tv_0\|>0\)).

  • FOR \(k=1,2,\ldots\)

    • \(w\gets Av^{k-1}\),

    • \(v^k\gets w/\|w\|\),

    • \(\lambda^{(k)} \gets (v^k)^TAv^k\).

Here we have used the fact that \(\|v^k\|=1\), so there is no need to divide by it in the Rayleigh quotient. We terminate the power iteration when we decide that the changes in \(\lambda\) indicate that the error is small. This is guided by the following result.


If \(|\lambda_1|> |\lambda_2|\) and \(\|q_1^Tv_0\|>0\), then after \(k\) iterations of power iteration, we have

\[\|v^k - \pm q_1\| = \mathcal{O}\left( \left|\frac{\lambda_2}{\lambda_1}\right|^k\right), \quad |\lambda^{(k)} - \lambda_1|= \mathcal{O}\left(\left|\frac{\lambda_2}{\lambda_1}\right|^{2k}\right),\]

as \(k\to\infty\). At each step \(\pm\) we mean that the result holds for either \(+\) or \(-\).


We have already shown the first equation using the Taylor series, and the second equation comes by combining the Taylor series error with the Rayleigh quotient error.

The \(\pm\) feature is a bit annoying, and relates to the fact that the normalisation does not select \(v^k\) to have the direction as \(q_1\).


The cla_utils.exercises9.pow_it() function has been left unimplemented. It should apply power iteration to a given matrix and initial vector, according to the docstring. The test script test_exercises9.py in the test directory will test this function.


The functions cla_utils.exercises9.A3() and cla_utils.exercises9.B3() each return a 3x3 matrix, \(A_3\) and \(B_3\) respectively. Apply cla_utils.exercises9.pow_it() to each of these functions. What differences in behaviour do you observe? What is it about \(A_3\) and \(B_3\) that causes this?

5.6. Inverse iteration

Supplementary video

Inverse iteration is a modification of power iteration so that we can find eigenvalues other than \(\lambda_1\). To do this, we use the fact that eigenvectors \(q_j\) of \(A\) are also eigenvectors of \((A - \mu I)^{-1}\) for any \(\mu\in \mathbb{R}\) not an eigenvalue of \(A\) (otherwise \(A-\mu I\) is singular). To show this, we write

\[(A - \mu I)q_j = (\lambda_j - \mu)q_j \implies (A - \mu I)^{-1}q_j = \frac{1}{\lambda_j - \mu}q_j.\]

Thus \(q_j\) is an eigenvalue of \((A - \mu I)^{-1}\) with eigenvalue \(1/(\lambda_j - \mu)\). We can then apply power iteration to \((A-\mu I)^{-1}\) (which requires a matrix solve per iteration), which converges to an eigenvector \(q\) for which \(1/|\lambda-\mu|\) is smallest, where \(\lambda\) is the corresponding eigenvalue. In other words, we will find the eigenvector of \(A\) whose eigenvalue is closest to \(\mu\).

This algorithm is called inverse iteration, which we express in pseudo-code below.

  • \(v^{0}\gets\) some initial vector with \(\|v^0\|=1\).

  • FOR \(k=1,2,\ldots\)

    • SOLVE \((A-\mu I)w = v^{k-1}\) for \(w\)

    • \(v^k\gets w/\|w\|\)

    • \(\lambda^{(k)} \gets (v^k)^TAv^k\)

We can then directly extend Theorem {number} to the inverse iteration algorithm. We conclude that the convergence rate is not improved relative to power iteration, but now we can “dial in” to different eigenvalues by choosing \(\mu\).


The cla_utils.exercises9.inverse_it() function has been left unimplemented. It should apply inverse iteration to a given matrix and initial vector, according to the docstring. The test script test_exercises9.py in the test directory will test this function.


Using the \(A_3\) and \(B_3\) matrices, explore the inverse iteration using different values of \(\mu\). What do you observe?

5.7. Rayleigh quotient iteration

Supplementary video

Since we can use the Rayleigh quotient to find an approximation of an eigenvalue, and we can use an approximation of an eigenvalue to find the nearest eigenvalue using inverse iteration, we can combine them together. The idea is to start with a vector, compute the Rayleigh quotient, use the Rayleigh quotient for \(\mu\), then do one step of inverse iteration to give an updated vector which should now be closer to an eigenvector. Then we iterate this whole process. This is called the Rayleigh quotient iteration, which we express in pseudo-code below.

  • \(v^{0}\) some initial vector with \(\|v^0\|=1\).

  • \(\lambda^{(0)} \gets (v^0)^TAv^0\)

  • FOR \(k=1,2,\ldots\)

    • SOLVE \((A-\lambda^{(k-1)} I)w = v^{k-1}\) for \(w\)

    • \(v^k\gets w/\|w\|\)

    • \(\lambda^{(k)} \gets (v^k)^TAv^k\)

This dramatically improves the convergence since if \(\|v^k-q_J\|=\mathcal{O}(\delta)\) for some small \(\delta\), then the Rayleigh quotient gives \(|\lambda^{(k)}-q_J|=\mathcal{O}(\delta^2)\). Then, inverse iteration gives an estimate

\[\|v^{k+1}-\pm q_J\| = \mathcal{O}(|\lambda^{(k)}-\lambda_J| \|v^k-q_J\|) = \mathcal{O}(\delta^3).\]

Thus we have cubic convergence, which is super fast!


The cla_utils.exercises9.rq_it() function has been left unimplemented. It should apply inverse iteration to a given matrix and initial vector, according to the docstring. The test script test_exercises9.py in the test directory will test this function.


The interfaces to cla_utils.exercises9.inverse_it() and cla_utils.exercises9.rq_it() have been designed to optionally provide the iterated values of the eigenvector and eigenvalue. For a given initial condition (and choice of \(\mu\) in the case of inverse iteration), compare the convergence speeds of the eigenvectors and eigenvalues, using some example matrices of different sizes (don’t forget to make them Hermitian).

5.8. The pure QR algorithm

Supplementary video

We now describe the QR algorithm, which will turn out to be an iterative algorithm that converges to the diagonal matrix (upper triangular matrix for the general nonsymmetric case) that \(A\) is similar to. Why this works is not at all obvious at first, and we shall explain this later. For now, here is the algorithm written as pseudo-code.

  • \(A^{(0)} \gets A\)

  • FOR \(k=1,2,\ldots\)

    • FIND \(Q^{(k)},R^{(k)}\) such that \(Q^{(k)}R^{(k)}=A^{(k-1)}\) (USING QR FACTORISATION)

    • \(A^{(k)} = R^{(k)}Q^{(k)}\)


\((\ddagger)\) The cla_utils.exercises9.pure_QR() function has been left unimplemented. It should implement the pure QR algorithm as above, using your previous code for finding the QR factorisation using Householder transformations. You should think about avoiding unecessary allocation of new numpy arrays inside the loop. The method of testing for convergence has been left as well. Have a think about how to do this and document your implementation. The test script test_exercises9.py in the test directory will test this function.


Investigate the behaviour of the pure QR algorithm applied to the functions provided by cla_utils.exercises9.get_A100(), cla_utils.exercises9.get_B100(), cla_utils.exercises9.get_C100(), and cla_utils.exercises9.get_D100(). You can use matplotlib.pyplot.pcolor() to visualise the entries, or compute norms of the components of the matrices below the diagonal, for example. What do you observe? How does this relate to the structure of the four matrices?


Some of this examples will require a complex valued QR factorisation. This just requires a minor modification of your Householder QR code. If you have complex entries, then you should replace \(\mbox{sign}(x_1)\) with \(-e^{i\arg(x_1)}\) which is the numerically stable choice in the complex case.

The algorithm simply finds the QR factorisation of \(A\), swaps Q and R, and repeats. We call this algorithm the “pure” QR algorithm, since it can be accelerated with some modifications that comprise the “practical” QR algorithm that is used in practice.

We can at least see that this is computing similarity transformations since

\[A^{(k)} = R^{(k)}Q^{(k)} = (Q^{(k)})^*Q^{(k)}R^{(k)}Q^{(k)} = (Q^{(k)})^*A^{(k-1)}Q^{(k)},\]

so that \(A^{(k)}\) is similar to \(A^{(k-1)}\) and hence to \(A^{(k-2)}\) and all the way back to \(A\). But why does \(A^{(k)}\) converge to a diagonal matrix? To see this, we have to show that the QR algorithm is equivalent to another algorithm called simultaneous iteration.

5.9. Simultaneous iteration

Supplementary video

One problem with power iteration is that it only finds one eigenvector/eigenvalue pair at a time. Simultaneous iteration is a solution to this. The starting idea is simple: instead of working on just one vector \(v\), we pick a set of linearly independent vectors \(v_1^{0},v_2^{0},\ldots,v_n^{0}\) and repeatedly apply \(A\) to each of these vectors. After a large number applications and normalisations in the manner of the power iteration, we end up with a linear independent set \(v_1^{k},v_2^{k},\ldots,v_n^{k}\), \(n\leq m\). All of the vectors in this set will be very close to \(q_1\), the eigenvector with largest magnitude of corresponding eigenvalue. We can choose \(v_1^{k}\) as our approximation of \(q_1\), and project this approximation of \(q_1\) from the rest of the vectors \(v_2^{k},v_3^{k},\ldots v_n^{k}\). All the remaining vectors will be close to \(q_2\), the eigenvector with the next largest magnitude of corresponding eigenvalue. Similarly we can choose the first one of the remaining projected vectors as an approximation of \(q_2\) and project it again from the rest.

We can translate this idea to matrices by defining \(V^{(0)}\) to be the matrix with columns given by the set of initial \(v\) s. Then after \(k\) applications of \(A\), we have \(V^{(k)}=A^{k} V^{(0)}\). By the column space interpretation of matrix-matrix multiplication, each column of \(V^{(k)}\) is \(A^{k}\) multiplied by the corresponding column of \(V^{(0)}\). To make the normalisation and projection process above, we could just apply the Gram-Schmidt algorithm, sequentially forming an orthonormal spanning set for the columns of \(V^{(k)}\) working from left to right. However, we know that an equivalent way to do this is to form the (reduced) QR factorisation of \(V^{(k)}\), \(\hat{Q}^{(k)}\hat{R}^{(k)}=V^{(k)}\); the columns of \(\hat{Q}^{(k)}\) give the same orthonormal spanning set. Hence, the columns of \(\hat{Q}^{(k)}\) will converge to eigenvectors of \(A\), provided that:

  1. The first \(n\) eigenvalues of \(A\) are distinct in absolute value: \(|\lambda_1| > |\lambda_2| > \ldots > |\lambda_n|\). If we want to find all of the eigenvalues \(n=m\), then all the absolute values of the eigenvalues must be distinct.

  2. The \(v\) vectors can be expressed as a linear sum of the first \(n\) eigenvectors \(q_1,\ldots,q_n\) in a non-degenerate way. This turns out to be equivalent (we won’t show it here) to the condition that \(\hat{Q}^TV^{(0)}\) has an LU factorisation (where \(\hat{Q}\) is the matrix whose columns are the first \(n\) eigenvectors of \(A\)).

One problem with this idea is that it is not numerically stable. The columns of \(V^{(k)}\) rapidly become a very ill-conditioned basis for the spanning space of the original independent set, and the values of eigenvectors will be quickly engulfed in rounding errors. There is a simple solution to this though, which is to orthogonalise after each application of \(A\). This is the simultaneous iteration algorithm, which we express in the following pseudo-code.

  • TAKE A UNITARY MATRIX \(\hat{Q}^{(0)}\)

  • FOR \(k=1,2,\ldots\)

    • \(Z\gets A\hat{Q}^{(k-1)}\)

    • FIND \(Q^{(k)},R^{(k)}\) such that \(Q^{(k)}R^{(k)}=Z\) (USING QR FACTORISATION)

This is mathematically equivalent to the process we described above, and so it converges under the same two conditions listed above.

We can already see that this looks rather close to the QR algorithm. The following section confirms that they are in fact equivalent.

5.10. The pure QR algorithm and simultaneous iteration are equivalent

Supplementary video

To be precise, we will show that the pure QR algorithm is equivalent to simultaneous iteration when the initial independent set is the canonical basis \(I\), i.e. \(Q^{(0)}=I\). From the above, we see that that algorithm converges provided that \(Q^T\) has an LU decomposition, where \(Q\) is the limiting unitary matrix that simultaneous iteration is converging to. To show that the two algorithms are equivalent, we append them with some auxiliary variables, which are not needed for the algorithms but are needed for the comparison.

To simultaneous iteration we append a running similarity transformation of \(A\), and a running product of all of the \(R\) matrices.

  • \({Q'}^{(0)} \gets I\)

  • FOR \(k=1,2,\ldots\)

    • \(Z\gets A{Q'}^{(k-1)}\)

    • FIND \({Q'}^{(k)},R^{(k)}\) such that \({Q'}^{(k)}R^{(k)}=Z\) (USING QR FACTORISATION)

    • \(A^{(k)} = ({Q'}^{(k)})^TA{Q'}^{(k)}\)

    • \({R'}^{(k)} = R^{(k)}R^{(k-1)}\ldots R^{(1)}\)

To the pure QR factorisation we append a running product of the \(Q^{k}\) matrices, and a running product of all of the \(R\) matrices (again).

  • \(A^{(0)} \gets A\)

  • FOR \(k=1,2,\ldots\)

    • FIND \(Q^{(k)},R^{(k)}\) such that \(Q^{(k)}R^{(k)}=A^{(k-1)}\) (USING QR FACTORISATION)

    • \(A^{(k)} = R^{(k)}Q^{(k)}\)

    • \({Q'}^{(k)} = Q^{(1)}Q^{(2)}\ldots Q^{(k)}\)

    • \({R'}^{(k)} = R^{(k)}R^{(k-1)}\ldots R^{(1)}\)

Theorem 5.4 (pure QR and simultaneous iteration with \(I\) are equivalent)

The two processes above generate identical sequences of matrices \({R'}^{(k)}\), \({Q'}^{(k)}\) and \(A^{(k)}\), which are related by \(A^{k} = {Q'}^{(k)}{R'}^{(k)}\) (the \(k\)-th power of \(A\), not \(A^{(k)}\)!), and \(A^{(k)}=({Q'}^{(k)})^TA{Q'}^{(k)}\).


We prove by induction. At \(k=0\), \(A_k={R'}^{(k)}={Q'}^{(k)}=I\). Now we assume that the inductive hypothesis is true for \(k\), and aim to deduce that it is true for \(k+1\).

For simultaneous iteration, we immediately have the simularity formula for \(A^{(k)}\) by definition, and we just need to verify the QR factorisation of \(A^k\). From the inductive hypothesis,

\[A^k = AA^{k-1} = A{Q'}^{(k-1)}{R'}^{(k-1)} = Z{R'}^{(k-1)} = {Q'}^{(k)}\underbrace{R^{(k)}{R'}^{(k-1)}}_{={R'}^{(k)}} = {Q'}^{(k)}{R'}^{(k)},\]

as required (using the definition of \(Z\) and then the definition of \({R'}^{(k)}\)).

For the QR algorithm, we again use the inductive hypothesis on the QR factorization of \(A^k\) followed by the inductive hypothesis on the similarity transform to get

\[A^k = AA^{k-1} =A{Q'}^{(k-1)}{R'}^{(k-1)} = {Q'}^{(k-1)}A^{(k-1)}{R'}^{(k-1)} = {Q'}^{(k-1)}Q^{(k)}R^{(k)}{R'}^{(k-1)} = {Q'}^{(k)}{R'}^{(k)},\]

where we used the algorithm definitions in the third equality and then the definitions of \({Q'}^{(k)}\) and \({R'}^{(k)}\). To verify the similarity transform at iteration \(k\) we use the algorithm definitions to write

\[A^{(k)} = R^{(k)}Q^{(k)} = (Q^{(k)})^TQ^{(k)}R^{(k)}Q^{(k)} = ({Q'}^{(k)})^TA({Q'})^{(k)},\]

as required.

This theorem tells us that the QR algorithm will converge under the conditions that simultaneous iteration converges. It also tells us that the QR algorithm finds an orthonormal basis (the columns of \({Q'}^{(k)}\)) from the columns of each power of \(A^k\); this is how it relates to power iteration.

5.11. Connections between power iteration, inverse iteration, and QR algorithm

There are some subtle connections between these algorithms that we can exploit to accelerate the convergence of the QR algorithm. After \(k\) iterations we have

\[A^k = {Q'}^{(k)}{R'}^{(k)},\]

from the above theorem. (Remember that \({Q'}^{(k)}\) and \({R'}^{(k)}\), are different from \({Q}^{(k)}\) and \({R}^{(k)}\).) In particular, the first column of \({R'}^{(k)}\) is \(e_1r_{11}^{(k)}\) (because \({R'}^{(k)}\) is an upper triangular matrix), so the first column of \(A^k\) is

\[A^ke_1 = r_{11}^{(k)}{Q'}^{(k)}e_1.\]

In other words, the first column of \({Q'}^{(k)}\) is the result of \(k\) iterations of power iteration starting at \(e_1\). (We already knew this from the previous theorem, but here we are introducing ways to look at different components of \({Q'}^{(k)}\) and \({R'}^{(k)}\)). This means that it will converge to the eigenvector of \(A\) with the eigenvalue of largest magnitude, and the convergence rate will depend on the gap between the magnitude of that eigenvalue and the magnitude of the next largest.

To look at connections with inverse iteration, we use the inverse formula,

\[A^{-k} = \left({R'}^{(k)}\right)^{-1}\left({Q'}^{(k)}\right)^* := {\tilde{R}}^{(k)}\left({Q'}^{(k)}\right)^*,\]

where \({\tilde{R}}^{(k)}=\left({R'}^{(k)}\right)^{-1}\) is also upper triangular since invertible upper triangular matrices form a group.


\[(A^{-k})^T = {Q'}^{(k)}({\tilde{R}}^{(k)})^T.\]

The last column of \(({\tilde{R}}^{(k)})^T\) is \(\tilde{r}^{(k)}_{nn}e_n\), so the last column of \((A^{-k})^T\) is

\[(A^{-k})^Te_n = {Q'}^{(k)}\tilde{r}_{nn} e_n,\]

i.e. the last column of \({Q'}^{(k)}\) corresponds to the \(k\) th step of inverse iteration applied to \(A^T\). When \(A\) is symmetric, this is the same as inverse iteration applied to \(e_n\).

5.12. The practical QR algorithm

Supplementary video

The practical QR algorithm for real symmetric matrices has a number of extra elements that make it fast. First, recall that we start by transforming to tridiagonal (symmetric Hessenberg) form. This cuts down the numerical cost of the steps of the QR algorithm.

For the second element, the Rayleigh quotient algorithm idea is incorporated by applying shifts \(A^{(k)}-\mu^{(k)}I\), where \(\mu^{(k)}\) is some eigenvalue estimate for the smallest eigenvalues. Relying on the fact that if \(A\) is symmetric, then we know that the last diagonal in \(R^{(k)}\) will be converging to the smallest eigenvalue of \(A\) via inverse iteration. Then, applying QR to the shifted matrix, the last diagonal will converge to the eigenvalue of \(A\) closest to \(\mu^{(k)}\). This will happen quickly if \(\mu^{(k)}\) is an accurate estimate of an eigenvalue of \(A\).

For the third element, when an eigenvalue is found (i.e. an eigenvalue appears accurately on the diagonal of \(A^{(k)}\)) the off-diagonal components are very small, and the matrix decouples into a block diagonal matrix where the QR algorithm can be independently applied to the blocks (which is cheaper than doing them all together). This final idea is called deflation.

A sketch of the practical QR algorithm is as follows.

  • \(A^{(0)} \gets\) TRIDIAGONAL MATRIX

  • FOR \(k=1,2,\ldots\)

    • PICK A SHIFT \(\mu^{(k)}\) (discussed below)

    • \(Q^{(k)}R^{(k)} = A^{(k-1)} - \mu^{(k)}I\) (from QR factorisation)

    • \(A^{(k)} = R^{(k)}Q^{(k)} + \mu^{(k)}I\)

    • IF \(A^{(k)}_{j,j+1}\approx 0\) FOR SOME \(j\)

      • \(A_{j,j+1}\gets 0\)

      • \(A_{j+1,j}\gets 0\)

      • continue by applying the practical QR algorithm to the diagonal blocks \(A_1\) and \(A_2\) of

        \[\begin{split}A_k = \begin{pmatrix} A_1 & 0 \\ 0 & A_2 \\ \end{pmatrix}\end{split}\]

One possible way to select the shift \(\mu^{(k)}\) is to calculate a Rayleigh quotient with \(A\) using the last column \(q_m^{(k)}\) of \({Q'}^{(k)}\), which then gives cubic convergence for this eigenvector and eigenvalue. In fact, this is just \(A_{mm}^k\),

\[A_{mm}^{(k)} = e_m^TA^{(k)}e_m = e_m^T({Q'}^{(k)})^TA{Q'}^{(k)}e_m = (q_m^{(k)})^TAq_{m} = \mu^{(k)}.\]

This is very cheap, we just read off the bottom right-hand corner from \(A^{(k)}\)! This is called the Rayleigh quotient shift.

It turns out that the Rayleigh quotient shift is not guaranteed to work in all cases, so there is an alternative approach called the Wilkinson shift, but we won’t discuss that here.