6. Iterative Krylov methods for \(Ax=b\)¶
Supplementary video
In the previous section we saw how iterative methods are necessary (but can also be fast) for eigenvalue problems \(Ax=\lambda x\). Iterative methods can also be useful for solving linear systems \(Ax=b\), generating a sequence of vectors \(x^k\) that converge to the solution. We shall examine Krylov subspace methods, where each iteration mainly involves a matrix-vector multiplication. For dense matrices, matrix-vector multiplication costs \(\mathcal{O}(m^2)\), but often (e.g. numerical solution of PDEs, graph problems, etc.) \(A\) is sparse (i.e. has zeros almost everywhere) and the matrix-vector multiplication costs \(\mathcal{O}(m)\). The goal is then to find a method where only a few iterations are necessary before the error is very small, so that the solver has total cost \(\mathcal{O}(mN)\) where \(N\) is the total number of iterations, hopefully small.
Since we only need the result of a matrix-vector multiplication, it is even possible to solve a linear system without storing \(A\) explicitly. Instead one can just provide a subroutine that implements matrix-vector multiplication in some way; this is called a “matrix-free” implementation.
6.1. Krylov subspace methods¶
Supplementary video
In this section we will introduce Krylov subspace methods for solving \(Ax=b\) (we will not specialise to real or symmetric matrices here). The idea is to approximate the solution using the basis
whose span is called a Krylov subspace. After each iteration the Krylov subspace grows by one dimension. As we have already seen from studying power iteration, the later elements in this sequence will get very parallel (they will all be approximating the eigenvector with largest magnitude of eigenvalue). Hence, we once again need to resort to orthogonalising the basis. We could simply take the QR factorisation of this basis, but the Arnoldi iteration coming up next also provides a neat way to solve the equation when projected onto the Krylov subspace.
6.2. Arnoldi iteration¶
The key to Krylov subspace methods turns out to be the transformation of \(A\) to an upper Hessenberg matrix by orthogonal similarity transforms, so that \(A=QHQ^*\). We have already looked at using Householder transformations to do this in the previous section. The Householder technique is not so suitable for large dimensional problems, so instead we look at a way of proceeding column by column, just like the Gram-Schmidt method does for finding \(QR\) factorisations.
We do this by rewriting \(AQ=QH\). The idea is that at iteration \(n\) we only look at the first \(n\) columns of \(Q\), which we call \(\hat{Q}_n\). When \(m\) is large, this is a significant saving: \(mn \ll m^2\). To execute the iteration, it turns out that we should look at the \((n+1)\times n\) upper left-hand section of \(H\), i.e.
\[\begin{split}\tilde{H}_n = \begin{pmatrix} h_{11} & \ldots & h_{1n} \\ h_{21} & \ddots & \vdots \\ 0 & \ddots & h_{nn} \\ 0 & 0 & h_{n+1,n} \\ \end{pmatrix}\end{split}\]
Then, \(A\hat{Q}_n = \hat{Q}_{n+1}\tilde{H}_n\).
Supplementary video
Using the column space interpretation of matrix-matrix multiplication, we see that the \(n\)-th column is
\[Aq_n = h_{1n}q_1 + h_{2n}q_2 + \ldots + h_{n,n}q_n + h_{n+1,n}q_{n+1}.\]
This formula shows us how to construct the non-zero entries of the nth column of \(H\); this defines the Arnoldi algorithm which we provide as pseudo-code below.
\(q_1\gets b/\|b\|\)
FOR \(n=1,2,\ldots\)
\(v\gets Aq_n\)
FOR \(j=1\) TO \(n\)
\(h_{jn}\gets q_j^*v\)
\(v \gets v - h_{jn}q_j\)
\(h_{n+1,n} \gets \|v\|\)
\(q_{n+1} \gets v/\|v\|\)
\((\ddagger)\) The cla_utils.exercises10.arnoldi()
function has
been left unimplemented. It should implement the Arnoldi algorithm
using Numpy array operations where possible, and return the \(Q\) and
\(H\) matrices after the requested number of iterations is complete.
What is the minimal number of Python for loops possible?
The test
script test_exercises10.py
in the test
directory will test
this function.
If we were to form the (reduced) QR factorisation of the \(m\times n\) Krylov matrix
\[\begin{split}K_n = \begin{pmatrix} b & Ab & \ldots & A^{n_1}b \\ \end{pmatrix}\end{split}\]
then we would get \(Q=\hat{Q}_n\). Importantly, in the Arnoldi iteration, we never form \(K_n\) or \(R_n\) explicitly, since these are very ill-conditioned and not useful numerically.
Supplementary video
But what is the use of the \(\tilde{H}_n\) matrix? Applying \(\hat{Q}_n^*\) to \(A\hat{Q}_n = \hat{Q}_{n+1}\tilde{H}_n\) gives
\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\hat{Q}_n^*A\hat{Q}_n = \hat{Q}_n^*\hat{Q}_{n+1}\tilde{H}_n,\\\begin{split}= \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & \ldots & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \ddots & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots \\ \vdots & \ddots & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots \\ 0 & \ldots & \ldots & 1 & 0 \\ \end{pmatrix} \tilde{H}_n = H_n,\end{split}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]
where \(H_n\) is the \(n\times n\) top left-hand corner of \(H\).
Supplementary video
The intrepretation of this is that \(H_n\) is the orthogonal projection of \(A\) onto the Krylov subspace \(\mathrm{span}(K_n)\). To see this, take any vector \(v\), and project \(Av\) onto the the Krylov subspace \(\mathrm{span}(K_n)\).
\[PAv = \hat{Q}_n\hat{Q}_n^*v.\]
Then, changing basis to the orthogonal basis gives
\[\hat{Q}_n^*(\hat{Q}_n\hat{Q}_n^*A)\hat{Q}_n = \hat{Q}_n^*A\hat{Q}_n = H_n.\]
6.3. GMRES¶
Supplementary video
The Generalised Minimum Residual method (GMRES), due to Saad (1986), exploits these properties of the Arnoldi iteration. The idea is that we build up the orthogonal basis for the Krylov subspaces one by one, and at each iteration we solve the projection of \(Ax=b\) onto the Krylov basis as a least squares problem, until the residual \(\|Ax-b\|\) is below some desired tolerance.
To avoid the numerical instabilities that would come from using the basis \((b,Ab,A^2b,\ldots)\), we use the Arnoldi iteration to build an orthonormal basis, and seek approximate solutions of the form \(x_n = \hat{Q}_ny\) for \(y\in\mathbb{C}^n\). We then seek the value of \(y\) that minimises the residual
\[\mathcal{R}_n = \|A\hat{Q}_ny - b\|.\]
This explains the Minimum Residual part of the name. We also see from this definition that the residual cannot increase with iterations, because it only increases the subspace where we seek a solution.
This problem can be simplified further by using \(A\hat{Q}_n = \hat{Q}_{n+1}\tilde{H}_n\), so
\[\mathcal{R}_n = \|\hat{Q}_{n+1}\tilde{H}_n y - b\|.\]
Remembering that \(b=\|b\|q_1\), we see that the entire residual is in the column space of \(\hat{Q}_{n+1}\), and hence we can invert on the column space using \(\hat{Q}_{n+1}^*\) which does not change the norm of the residual due to the orthonormality.
\[\mathcal{R}_n = \|\tilde{H}_n y - \hat{Q}_{n+1}^*b\| = \|\tilde{H}_n y - e_1\|b\|\|.\]
Finding \(y\) to minimise \(\mathcal{R}_n\) requires the solution of a least squares problem, which can be computed via QR factorisation as we saw much earlier in the course.
Supplementary video
We are now in position to present the GMRES algorithm as pseudo-code.
\(q_1 \gets b/\|b\|\)
FOR \(n=1,2,\dots\)
FIND \(y\) TO MINIMIZE \(\|\tilde{H}_ny - \|b\|e_1\|\)
\(x_n \gets \hat{Q}_ny\)
CHECK IF \(\mathcal{R}_n <\) TOL
\((\ddagger)\) The cla_utils.exercises10.GMRES()
function has
been left unimplemented. It should implement the basic GMRES
algorithm above, using one loop over the iteration count. You can
paste code from your cla_utils.exercises10.arnoldi()
implementation, and you should use your least squares code to solve
the least squares problem. The test script test_exercises10.py
in the test
directory will test this function.
The least squares problem in GMRES requires the QR factorisation of \(H_k\). It is wasteful to rebuild this from scratch given that we just computed the QR factorisation of \(H_{k-1}\). Modify your code so that it recycles the QR factorisation, applying just one extra Householder rotation per GMRES iteration. Don’t forget to check that it still passes the test.
Don’t get confused by the two Q matrices involved in GMRES! There is the Q matrix for the Arnoldi iteration, and the Q matrix for the least squares problem. These are not the same.
6.4. Convergence of GMRES¶
Supplementary video
The algorithm presented as pseudocode is the way to implement GMRES efficiently. However, we can make an alternative formulation of GMRES using matrix polynomials.
We know that \(x_n\in \mathrm{span}(K_n)\), so we can write
\[x_n = c_0b + c_1Ab + c_2A^2b + \ldots + c_{n-1}A^{n-1}b = p'(A)b,\]
\[p'(z) = c_0 + c_1z + c_2z^2 + \ldots + \ldots c_{n-1}z^{n-1} \implies p'(A) = c_0I + c_1A + c_2A^2 + \ldots + c_{n-1}A^{n-1}.\]
Here we have introduced the idea of a matrix polynomial, where the kth power of \(z\) is replaced by the kth power of \(A\).
The residual becomes
\[r_n = b - Ax_n = b - Ap'(A)b = (I - Ap'(A))b = p(A)b,\]
where \(p(z) = 1 - zp'(z)\). Thus, the residual is a matrix polynomial \(p\) of \(A\) applied to \(b\), where \(p\in \mathcal{P}_n\), and
\[\mathcal{P}_n = \{\mbox{degree }\leq n\mbox{ polynomials with } p(0)=1\}.\]
Hence, we can recast iteration \(n\) of GMRES as a polynomial optimisation problem: find \(p_n\in \mathcal{P}_n\) such that \(\|p_n(A)b\|\) is minimised. We have
\[\|r_n\| = \|p_n(A)b\| \leq \|p_n(A)\|\|b\| \implies \frac{\|r_n\|}{\|b\|} \leq \|p_n(A)\|.\]
Assuming that \(A\) is diagonalisable, \(A=V\Lambda V^{-1}\), then \(A^s=V\Lambda^sV^{-1}\), and
\[\|p_n(A)\| = \|Vp_n(\Lambda^s)V^{-1}\| \leq \underbrace{\|V\|\|V^{-1}\|}_{=\kappa(V)} \|p_n\|_{\Lambda(A)},\]
where \(\Lambda(A)\) is the set of eigenvalues of \(A\), and
\[\|p\|_{\Lambda(A)} = \sup_{x\in \Lambda(A)}\|p(x)\|.\]
Hence we see that GMRES will converge quickly if \(V\) is well-conditioned, and \(p(x)\) is small for all \(x\in \Lambda(A)\). This latter condition is not trivial due to the \(p(0)=1\) requirement. One way it can happen is if \(A\) has all eigenvalues clustered in a small number of groups, away from $0$. Then we can find a low degree polynomial that passes through 1 at \(x=0\), and 0 near each of the clusters. Then GMRES will essentially converge in a small number of iterations (equal to the degree of the polynomial). There are problems if the eigenvalues are scattered over a wide region of the complex plane: we need a very high degree polynomial to make \(p(x)\) small at all the eigenvalues and hence we need a very large number of iterations. Similarly there are problems if eigenvalues are very close to zero.
Investigate the convergence of the matrices provided by the
functions cla_utils.exercises10.get_AA100()
, and
, by looking at the residual
after each iteration (which should be provided by
as specified in the docstring).
What do you observe? What is it about the three matrices that
causes this different behaviour?
6.5. Preconditioned GMRES¶
Supplementary video
This final topic has been a strong focus of computational linear algebra over the last 30 years. Typically, the matrices that we want to solve do not have eigenvalues clustered in a small number of groups, and so GMRES is slow. The solution (and the challenge) is to find a matrix \(\hat{A}\) such that \(\hat{A}x = y\) is cheap to solve (diagonal, or triangular, or something else) and such that \(\hat{A}^{-1}A\) does have eigenvalues clustered in a small number of groups (e.g. \(\hat{A}\) is a good approximation of \(A\), so that \(\hat{A}^{-1}A\approx I\) which has eigenvalues all equal to 1). We call \(\hat{A}\) the preconditioning matrix, and the idea is to apply GMRES to the (left) preconditioned system
\[\hat{A}^{-1}Ax = \hat{A}^{-1}b.\]
GMRES on this preconditioned system is equivalent to the following algorithm, called preconditioned GMRES.
SOLVE \(\hat{A}\tilde{b}=b\).
\(q_1 \gets \tilde{b}/\|\tilde{b}\|\)
FOR \(n=1,2,\dots\)
SOLVE \(\hat{A}v = Aq_n\)
FOR \(j=1\) TO \(n\)
\(v = v - h_{jn}q_j\)
\(h_{n+1,n} \gets \|v\|\)
\(q_{n+1}\)gets v/|v|`
FIND \(y\) TO MINIMIZE \(\|\tilde{H}_ny - \|\tilde{b}\|e_1\|\)
\(x_n \gets \hat{Q}_ny\)
CHECK IF \(\mathcal{R}_n <\) TOL
Show that this algorithm is equivalent to GMRES applied to the preconditioned system.
The art and science of finding preconditioning matrices \(\hat{A}\) (or matrix-free procedures for solving \(\hat{A}x=y\)) for specific problems arising in data science, engineering, physics, biology etc. can involve ideas from linear algebra, functional analysis, asymptotics, physics, etc., and represents a major activity in scientific computing today.
6.6. Knowing when to stop¶
We should stop an iterative method when the error is sufficiently small. But, we don’t have access the the exact solution, so we can’t compute the error. Two things we can look at are:
The residual \({r}^k=A{x}^k-{b}\), or
The pseudo-residual \({s}^k = {x}^{k+1}-{x}^k\), which both tend to zero as \({x}^k\to{x}^*\) provided that \(A\) is invertible.
How do their sizes relate to the size of \({e}^k={x}^k-{x}^*\)?
so \(\|e^k\| \leq \|A^{-1}\|\|r^k\|\).
The relative error \(\|e^k\|/\|x^*\|\) satisfies
so the relative error is bounded from above by the condition number of \(\|A\|\) multiplied by the relative residual \(\|r^k\|/\|b\|\). If the condition number is large, it is possible to have a small residual but still have a large condition number.
Similar results hold for the pseudoresidual, but are more complicated to show for the case of GMRES.