Source code for cla_utils.exercises2

import numpy as np

[docs]def orthog_cpts(v, Q): """ Given a vector v and an orthonormal set of vectors q_1,...q_n, compute v = r + u_1q_1 + u_2q_2 + ... + u_nq_n for scalar coefficients u_1, u_2, ..., u_n and residual vector r :param v: an m-dimensional numpy array :param Q: an mxn-dimensional numpy array whose columns are the \ orthonormal vectors :return r: an m-dimensional numpy array containing the residual :return u: an n-dimensional numpy array containing the coefficients """ raise NotImplementedError return r, u
[docs]def solve_Q(Q, b): """ Given a unitary mxm matrix Q and a vector b, solve Qx=b for x. :param Q: an mxm dimensional numpy array containing the unitary matrix :param b: the m dimensional array for the RHS :return x: m dimensional array containing the solution. """ raise NotImplementedError return x
[docs]def orthog_proj(Q): """ Given a vector v and an orthonormal set of vectors q_1,...q_n, compute the orthogonal projector P that projects vectors onto the subspace spanned by those vectors. :param Q: an mxn-dimensional numpy array whose columns are the \ orthonormal vectors :return P: an mxm-dimensional numpy array containing the projector """ raise NotImplementedError return P
[docs]def orthog_space(V): """ Given set of vectors u_1,u_2,..., u_n, compute the orthogonal complement to the subspace U spanned by the vectors. :param V: an mxn-dimensional numpy array whose columns are the \ vectors u_1,u_2,...,u_n. :return Q: an mxl-dimensional numpy array whose columns are an \ orthonormal basis for the subspace orthogonal to U, for appropriate l. """ raise NotImplementedError return Q
[docs]def GS_classical(A): """ Given an mxn matrix A, compute the QR factorisation by classical Gram-Schmidt algorithm, transforming A to Q in place and returning R. :param A: mxn numpy array :return R: nxn numpy array """ raise NotImplementedError return R
[docs]def GS_modified(A): """ Given an mxn matrix A, compute the QR factorisation by modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm, transforming A to Q in place and returning R. :param A: mxn numpy array :return R: nxn numpy array """ raise NotImplementedError return R
[docs]def GS_modified_get_R(A, k): """ Given an mxn matrix A, with columns of A[:, 0:k] assumed orthonormal, return upper triangular nxn matrix R such that Ahat = A*R has the properties that 1) Ahat[:, 0:k] = A[:, 0:k], 2) A[:, k] is normalised and orthogonal to the columns of A[:, 0:k]. :param A: mxn numpy array :param k: integer indicating the column that R should orthogonalise :return R: nxn numpy array """ raise NotImplementedError return R
[docs]def GS_modified_R(A): """ Implement the modified Gram Schmidt algorithm using the lower triangular formulation with Rs provided from GS_modified_get_R. :param A: mxn numpy array :return Q: mxn numpy array :return R: nxn numpy array """ m, n = A.shape A = 1.0*A R = np.eye(n, dtype=A.dtype) for i in range(n): Rk = GS_modified_get_R(A, i) A[:,:] =, Rk) R[:,:] =, Rk) R = np.linalg.inv(R) return A, R